Laboratory Investigations List

Test NameRequirements
Anti Mullerian Hormones (AMH)Clot or serum 5-6 ml
AMA (Anti Mitochondrial Antibody)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Amoebic Serology3cc Clotted
Agglutination for Hydatid Cyst H.Cyst (Echinococcus) AbClot or serum 3-4 ml
A.C.E (Angio Cardiac Enzyme)Clot or serum 5-6 ml
ANCA-CClot or serum 3-4 ml
ANCA-PClot or serum 3-4 ml
A/G. Ratio (Albumin Globulin Ratio)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Absolute Value (MCV, MCH, MCHC)4 cc EDTA Blood
ADA Level (Adenosine Deaminase)Fluid or serum 4-5 ml
Anti Cardiolipin  (IgG)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Anti Endomyseal Antibody3 cc Clotted
Anti Cardiolipin (IgM )Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Acid PhosphataseClot or serum 3-4 ml
AFB StainFluid/Pus/Swab
AlbuminClot or serum 3-4 ml
AldolaseClot or serum 3-4 ml
Alcohal in BloodClot or Serum 3-4 ml
Alcohal in Urine10-20 ml Urine
Alkaline PhosphataseClot or serum 3-4 ml
Alpha Feto Protein (AFP)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Amphetamine (Drugs)Spot Urine
Ammonia Level (ice bag)EDTA Tube 3-4 ml (Purple Top)
Amylase creatinine RatioClot or serum 3-4 ml
AmylaseClot or serum 3-4 ml
ANA (Anti Nuclear Antibodies)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
ANF (Anti Nuclear Factor)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Anti TPO (Thyroid Microsomal Ab)Clot or serum 2-3 ml
Anti ThrombinClot or serum 4-5 ml
Anti Thyroid Antibody3 cc Clotted
Anti LKM (Liver Kidney Microsomal Ab)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Anti -GBMClot or serum 3-4 ml
Anti -tissue Transglutaminase (TTG) (IgA)Clot or serum 2-3 ml
Anti -tissue Transglutaminase (TTG) (IgG)Clot or serum 2-3 ml
Anti Phospholipid (IgG, IgM)3 cc Clotted
Anti phospholipid IgG3 cc Clotted
Anti phospholipid IgM3 cc Clotted
Anti TG (Thyroglobulin Ab)Clot or serum 2-3 ml
Anti Reticulin AntibodiesClot or serum 2-3 ml
Anti Sperm AntibodiesClot or serum 2-3 ml
Anti CCP AntibodiesClot or serum 2-3 ml
Anti ds DNAClot or serum 3-5 ml
Anti Gladian Antibody (IgG)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Anti Gladian Antibody (IgM)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
APTTSodium Citrate Tube
Ascitic Fluid R/EAscitic Fluid
ASOTClot or serum 3-4 ml
ASMA (Anti Smooth Muscle Antibody)1 cc serum
ACTHClot or serum 3-4 ml
ACTHClot or serum 3-4 ml
Barbiturates (Drugs)Spot Urine – 10 – 20 ml
Bence Jones Protein10 – 20 ml Urine
Benzodiazipine (Drugs)10 – 20 ml Urine
BNP B-type Natriuretic Peptide3ml Blood in EDTA tube
B-HCG (Beta HCG)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Bile Salts10 -20 ml Urine
Bile Pigments10 -20 ml Urine
Bilirubin ( Total , Direct, Indirect )Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Bilirubin (Total)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Bilirubin (Direct)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Bilirubin (Indirect)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Biopsy (Large)Specimen & Microscopy
Biopsy (Small)Specimen & Microscopy
BT (Bleeding Time)Perform in Lab
BT & CTPerform in Lab
Blood Group3 cc EDTA Blood
Blood Gases / ABGsClot or serum 3-4 ml
Blood Cross MatchClot or serum 3-4 ml
Blood Sugar Fasting    (BSF)Sodium Flouride Tube (Grey Top)
Blood Sugar Random (BSR)Sodium Flouride Tube (Grey Top)
Blood Sugar (2hrs. P.P)Sodium Flouride Tube (Grey Top)
Blood Sugar (1hrs. P.P)Sodium Flouride Tube (Grey Top)
Bone Marrow Trephine (Biopsy)Perform in Lab
Bone Marrow AspirationPerform in Lab
Brucella AntibodyClot or serum 3-4 ml
BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Bicarbonate (HCO3)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
C.E.A (Carcino Embryonic Antigen Level)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Candida Albicans IgGClot or serum 3-4 ml
Copper in BloodClot or serum 3-4 ml
C.P.KClot or serum 3-4 ml
C3Clot or serum 3-4 ml
C4Clot or serum 3-4 ml
CA-125Clot or serum 3-4 ml
CA 15-3Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Coeliac Profile (05 Autoantibodies)Blood Serum (3cc)
Coeliac IgABlood Serum (3cc)
Coeliac IgGBlood Serum (3cc)
Chem-7Clot or serum 3-4 ml
CA-19-9Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Calcium-  CaClot or serum 3-4 ml
Calcium in Urine10 – 20 ml Urine
Cannabinoids in urine10 – 20 ml Urine
Carbamazepine (Drugs)10 – 20 ml Urine
Cardiac Profile (CPK, LDH, SGOT, CK.MB)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
CeruloplasminClot or serum 3-4 ml
Chlamydia Tracomatis AgUretheral Swab for Male
ChlorideClot or serum 3-4 ml
CholesterolClot or serum 3-4 ml
ChylomicroneBody Fluid (1 cc Fluid)
CKMBClot or serum 3-4 ml
Clotting Time   (C.T)Perform in Lab
CMV (IgG)  Cytomegalovirus IgGClot or serum 3-4 ml
CMV (IgM) Cytomegalovirus IgMClot or serum 3-4 ml
Cocaine (Drugs)10 – 20 ml Urine
Coombs Test (Direct)3 cc EDTA Blood + Clot Serum 2-3 ml
Coombs Test (Indirect)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Cortisole (AM)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Cortisole (PM)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
CP (CBC) for “Dog”3 cc EDTA Blood
CP (CBC)3 cc EDTA Blood
CP with Perifilm3 cc EDTA Blood
CP (Only printout)3 cc EDTA Blood
CreatinineClot or serum 3-4 ml
CRPClot or serum 3-4 ml
C-PeptideClot or serum 3-4 ml
CSF (Cerebrospinal fluid) [IgG]CSF Fluid
CSF (IgM)CSF Fluid
Coagulation Profile (PT,APTT,Plt cout, FDPs Level,CP & PT tube
Culture for CSFCSF Fluid
Culture for Ear SwabSwab in 1 hr
Culture for Nasal swabSwab in 1 Hour
Culture for Any SiteAny Site
Culture for AFB sputumSputum/Pus
Culture for Synovial FluidFluid
Culture for FungalSkin Scraping
Culture for HVS (High Vaginal Swab)Swab in 1 Hour
Culture for Ascitic FluidAscitic Fluid
Culture for BloodBlood in Media Bottle
Culture for Pleural FluidPlural Fluid
Culture for PusPus or swab in 1 hours
Culture for TIPTIP
Culture for SemenSemen within 30min
Culture for SputumSputum
Culture for StoolStool within1 hr
Culture for Bone MarrowBone Marrow
Culture for Throat swabSwab in1hr
Culture for Urethral swabSwab in1hr
Culture for CatheterCatheter Tip
Culture for UrineUrine in sterile containr
Cyclosporin (C-O) Level3cc EDTA Blood
Cyclosporin (C-2) Level  2 Hrs After Medicine3cc EDTA Blood
Cytology for SputumSputum
Cytology Any SiteSmear alcohal Fixed
Cytology (Urine)10 – 20 ml Urine
Cytogentic / Karyotyping Test
Digoxin Level (Drugs)Clot or serum 2-3 ml
Dengue Virus Test (IgG & IgM) ICT MethodEDTA Blood/Clot or serum 2-3 ml
Dengue Virus Test IgG & IgM Antibody by ElisaEDTA Blood/Clot or serum 2-3 ml
Dengue NS-1 AntigenClot or serum 2-3 ml
D-Dimer2-3 ml blood in PT Tube
DLC3 cc EDTA Blood
Direct MicroscopyOther
DHEA – SO4Clot or serum 2-3 ml in
Electrolytes ( Na+, K+,Cl)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Eosinophil Count3 cc EDTA Blood
EMA (Endomysial Antibodies)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
ESR3cc EDTA Blood
ENA Profile (6 Auto Antibodies)3cc Clotted
ENA (Anti-extractable nuclear antigen)3cc Clotted
Epival LevelClot or serum 3-4 ml
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Antibody (IgM)3cc serum
EstradiolClot or serum 3-4 ml
Eye Swab for CultureOther
F.D.P Level2cc Citrated (Blue Top)
F.S.HClot or serum 3-4 ml
Fungus in skin scrappingContact Lab
Fungus in HairContact Lab
Fungus in NailContact Lab
FerritinClot or serum 3-4 ml
Free PSA1cc Serum
Free TestosteroneClot or serum 2-3 ml
Fibrinogen LevelSodium Citrate Tube
FNA Specimen Collection for CytologySmear alcohal Fixed
FNAC (Fine Needle Aspiration Collection)Perform in Lab
Fluid R/EFluid
Fluid for AlbuminFluid 2-3 ml
Fluid for AmylaseAny Fluid
Fluid for ProteinFluid 4-5 ml
Fluid for BilirubinFluid 4-5 ml
Fluid for Cell Count3-5 ml Fluid
Fluid for Crystals3-5 ml Fluid
Fluid for LDH3-5 ml Fluid
Fluid for LipaseAmniotic Fluid (3-5 ml Fluid)
Fluid for pH3-5 ml Fluid
Fluid for RBC3-5 ml Fluid
Fluid for Sugar3-5 ml Fluid
Fluid for Cytology3-5 ml Fluid
Fluid for A/G Ratio3-5 ml Fluid
Fluid for Ascitic Fluid R/E10-15 ml Fluid
Folate LevelClot or serum 3-4 ml
Folic AcidClot or serum 3-4 ml
Free T3Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Free T4Clot or serum 3-4 ml
G.T.T (Glucose Tolerence Test) 75 gmPerform in Lab
G.T.T (Glucose Tolerence Test) 100 gmPerform in Lab
G6PD3 cc EDTA Blood
Gamma G-TClot or serum 3-4 ml
GlobulinClot or serum 3-4 ml
Gram StainSmear
GCT (Glucose Challenge Test) with 50gm GlucoseSodium Citrate Tube
Growth Hormone BasalClot or serum 3-4 ml
Growth Hormone StimulationClot or serum 3-4 ml
H-Pylori Antibody (Qualitative)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
H-Pylori Antibodies IgGClot or serum 3-4 ml
H-Pylori Antibodies IgMClot or serum 3-4 ml
H-Pylori Antigen (Stool)Fresh Stool
H.B. (Hemoglobin)3 cc EDTA Blood
H.D.L CholestrolClot or serum 3-4 ml
HbA1C (Glycosylated Hb)3 cc EDTA Blood
Hb-Electrophoresis3 cc EDTA Blood
Hematocrit (HCT)3 cc EDTA Blood
HbsAg (Hepatitis B Surface Antigen) ElisaClot or serum 3-4 ml
HbsAb (Hepatitis B Surface Antibody) ElisaClot or serum 3-4 ml
Hepatitis B “e” AntibodyClot or serum 3-4 ml
Hepatitis B “e”  AntigenClot or serum 3-4 ml
Hepatitis B core TotalClot or serum 2-3 ml
Hepatitis “B” core IgMClot or serum 3-4 ml
HCV Ab (Hepatitis C Virus Antibody)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (ICT) — HbsAg (ICT)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Hepatitis C Virus (ICT)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Hepatitis  Delta Virus AntibodiesClot or serum 3-4 ml
Hepatitis A Virus  IgGClot or serum 3-4 ml
Hepatitis A Virus  IgMClot or serum 3-4 ml
Hepatitis E virus IgGClot or serum 3-4 ml
Hepatitis E virus IgMClot or serum 3-4 ml
HIV I/II Antibody/Antigen  (AIDS)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
HIV I/II Antibody / AIDS (By ICT Method)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
HomocystineClot or serum 3-4 ml
HSV I IgG  (HERPES)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
HSV I IgM  (HERPES)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
HVS for ZN StainingOther
Hydated SerologyClot or serum 3-4 ml
Heroin10-20 ml Urine
Intrinsic Factor IgGClot or serum 5-6 ml
ICT-Malarial Parasite3 cc EDTA Blood
ICT-TBClot or serum 3-4 ml
IgA  (immunoglobulin)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
IgG  (immunoglobulin)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
IgM (immunoglobulin)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
IgE  (immunoglobulin)Clot + EDTA 3-4 ml
Insulin LevelClot or serum 3-4 ml
IronClot or serum 3-4 ml
Iron & TIBCClot or serum 3-4 ml
Ketones BodiesClot or serum 3-4 ml
Lactate2 cc EDTA Blood
Leishminia AntibodiesClot or serum 4-5 ml
L.HClot or serum 3-4 ml
LDHClot or serum 3-4 ml
LDL (Cholesterol)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
LE Cell TestClot or serum 3-4 ml
LFT Profile for Dog (Bilirubin,SGPT,SGOT,ALK,Alb)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
LFT Profile (Bilirubin,SGPT,SGOT,ALK,Alb)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Lipid Profile (Cholesterol, Tg, HDL, LDL)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
LipaseClot or serum 3-4 ml
Lithium LevelClot or serum 3-4 ml
LUPUS Anticoagulant2-3 ml blood in PT Tube
MagnesiumClot or serum 3-4 ml
MantouxPerform in Lab
Methotrexate     (Drugs)3 cc EDTA Blood
Micro Albumin in Urine10 – 20 ml Urine
Muscle EnzymesClot or serum 2-3 ml
Mumps (IgG Antibody) VisusClot or serum 3-4 ml
Mumps (IgM Antibody) VisusClot or serum 3-4 ml
MONO SpotHeparin Tube
MP (Malarial Parasite)3 cc EDTA Blood
Opiates drugs in Urine10 – 20 ml Urine
Osmotic Fragility5ml  Blood in Heparin
Osmolality in UrineUrine (Osmolality in Urine)
P.S.AClot or serum 3-4 ml
Pap Smear CytologySmear Alcohol Fixed
HCV GenotypingClot or serum 4 ml
HBV GenotypingClot or serum 4 ml
PCR – MTB QualitativeClot or serum 3-4 ml
PCR – HCV RNA QuantitativeClot or serum 3-4 ml
PCR – HCV RNA QualitativeClot or serum 3-4 ml
PCR Hep B DNA QuantitativeClot or serum 3-4 ml
PCR Hep B DNA QualitativeClot or serum 3-4 ml
PCR Dengue QualitativeClot or serum 3-4 ml
Peripheral Blood Film3 cc EDTA Blood
Phenobarbitone (Drugs)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
PhosphorousClot or serum 3-4 ml
Phenytoin LevelBlood
Physical ExaminationPatient
Platelet Count3cc EDTA Blood
Pleural Fluid R/EPlural Fluid
Protein C & S3cc Citrated (Blue Top)
ProteinClot or serum 3-4 ml
PotassiumClot or serum 3-4 ml
ProgesteroneClot or serum 3-4 ml
Progesterone for CatClot or serum 3-4 ml
Progesterone for DogClot or serum 3-4 ml
ProlactinClot or serum 3-4 ml
Protein ElectrophorasisClot or serum 3-4 ml
Prothrombin Time (PT)2-3 ml blood in PT Tube
PT & APTTSodium Citrate Tube
PTH (Para Thyroid Hormone)3 – 5 CC Whole Blood in
Pus R/EPus
Pus for AFB StainPus (Body Fluid)
Pregnancy Test in Urine10 – 20 ml Urine
Protein CClot or serum 3-4 ml
Protein SClot or serum 3-4 ml
RA. FactorClot or serum 3-4 ml
R.B.C Count3 cc EDTA Blood
RA. Factor Titer (Quantitative)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Renal Function TestClot or serum 3-4 ml
RBC Cholinesterase Test3 cc EDTA Blood
Reticulocytes Count3 cc EDTA Blood
Rh. Antibody TitreClot or serum 3-4 ml
Rota Virus TestStool
RPR (VDRL)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Rubella (IgG)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Rubella (IgM)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Sperm AntibodyClot or serum 3-4 ml
Semen AnalysisSemen
Serum OsmolalityBlood Serum (3-4 ml)
SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
SGOT  (AST)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
SGPT  (ALT)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
SodiumClot or serum 3-4 ml
Soluble Liver AntigenClot or serum 3-4 ml
Sputum R/ESputum or Pus
Sputum AFB StainSputum or Pus
Sputum for Gram StainSputum
Sputum for ZN StainSputum
Stone AnalysisStone
Stool for Occult BloodStool
Stool for AFB StainStool
Stool for Fat GlobulesStool
Stool for reducing sub-pHStool
Serum Ionized CalciumBlood Serum
SAAG (Serum Ascites Albumin Gradient)Blood
Stool R/EStool
Syphlis TPClot or serum 3-4 ml
Synovial Fluid R/ESynovil Fluid
T.B. SerologyClot or serum 3-4 ml
T.B. by Elisa (IgG & IgM)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
T3Clot or serum 3-4 ml
T4Clot or serum 3-4 ml
T.S.HClot or serum 3-4 ml
Thyroid Profile   (T3, T4, TSH)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
TPHAClot or serum 3-4 ml
TestosteroneClot or serum 3-4 ml
TIBCClot or serum 3-4 ml
Tissue for CultureOther
Thyroid Antibodies (Anti TG & Anti TPO)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
TLC (WBC)3 cc EDTA Blood
TORCH Profile (IgG + IgM)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
TORCH IgG (Toxo IgG,Rubella, CMV IgG, HSV IgG)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
TORCH IgM(Toxo IgM,Rubella, CMV IgM, HSV IgM)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Total LipidClot or serum 3-4 ml
Total ProteinClot or serum 3-4 ml
Toxo (IgG)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Toxo (IgM)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Transferrin SaturationClot or serum 3-4 ml
TriglycerideClot or serum 3-4 ml
Troponine – TEDTA Blood
Troponine – IEDTA Blood
Typhidot (IgG & IgM)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
TB Gold TestClot or serum 3-4 ml
T-Spot®.TB TestClot or serum 3-4 ml
Test NameRequirements
Urea in BloodClot or serum 3-4 ml
Uric AcidClot or serum 3-4 ml
Urine for AFBUrine (3-8 ml)
Urine for Albumin10 – 20 ml Urine
Urine Albumin/Creatinine Ratio-Spot10 – 20 ml Urine
Urine Metabolic Screening10 – 20 ml Urine
Urine Drugs Level (10 drugs)Urine
Urine Drugs Level (03 drugs)Urine
Urine Protien10 – 20 ml Urine
Urine R/E10 – 20 ml Urine
Urinary Amylase10 – 20 ml Urine
Urinary Lipase10 – 20 ml Urine
Urine Sugar10 – 20 ml Urine
Urine Cortisol – Spot10 – 20 ml Urine
Urine Calcium – Spot10 – 20 ml Urine
Urine Creatinine – Spot10 – 20 ml Urine
Urine for Electrolytes- Spot10 – 20 ml Urine
Urine for Magnesium- Spot10 – 20 ml Urine
Urine for Microalbumin Urea- Spot10 – 20 ml Urine
Urine for Phosphorous – Spot10 – 20 ml Urine
Urine for Protein – Spot (Quantitative)10 – 20 ml Urine
Urine for Reducing Substance PHUrine
Urine for Urea / BUN- Spot10 – 20 ml Urine
Urine for Uric Acid – Spot10 – 20 ml Urine
Urine Protein / Creatinine Ratio – Spot10 – 20 ml Urine
Valproic AcidEDTA tube 3-4 ml
Vitamin D3Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Vitamin B12Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Vaccine for Hepatitis A Virus (Havris)Contact in Lab
Vaccine Chicken Pox (Varilrix)Contact in Lab
Vaccine FluContact in Lab
Vaccine for Meningococcal Meningitis (MENC)Contact in Lab
Vaccine for Yellow FeverContact in Lab
Vaccine Hep – B AdultContact in Lab
Vaccine Hep – B PeadsContact in Lab
Vaccine MMRContact in Lab
Vaccine Tetanus – TTContact in Lab
Vaccine TyphirixContact in Lab
VDRL (RPR)Clot or serum 3-4 ml
Visit Charges (Sample Collection)Other
WBC  (White Blood Cell Count)3cc EDTA Blood
Widal testClot or serum 3-4 ml
Water CultureWater
Z.N. StainingAny specimen
Zinc LevelClot or serum 3-4 ml
Test NameRequirements
Doppler Carotid arteriesPerform in Lab
Doppler for Rt LegPerform in Lab
Doppler for Lft LegPerform in Lab
Doppler for Rt / Lft LegPerform in Lab
Doppler StudyPerform in Lab
Doppler Fetus (Single Pregnancy)Perform in Lab
Doppler Fetus (Twin Pregnancy)Perform in Lab
Doppler Renal arteriesPerform in Lab
Doppler scrotumPerform in Lab
Doppler (arm arteries)Perform in Lab
Doppler (arm veins)Perform in Lab
Doppler (both arms) arteriesPerform in Lab
Doppler (both arms) veinsPerform in Lab
Doppler (both legs) arteriesPerform in Lab
Doppler (both legs) veinsPerform in Lab
Doppler (Left Arm Veins)Perform in Lab
Doppler (Left Arm Arteries)Perform in Lab
Doppler (Left Leg) ArteriesPerform in Lab
Doppler (Left Leg) Veins)Perform in Lab
Doppler (Right Arm) VeinsPerform in Lab
Doppler (Right Arm) ArteriesPerform in Lab
Doppler (Right Leg) ArteriesPerform in Lab
Doppler (Right Leg) VeinsPerform in Lab
Doppler AbdomenPerform in Lab
Doppler DVT Single Lower LimbPerform in Lab
Doppler Lower Limb Arteries and View SinglePerform in Lab
Doppler Lower Limb View SiglePerform in Lab
Doppler U/S of Transplanted KidneyPerform in Lab
Doppler Upper Limb SinglePerform in Lab
Doppler Varicose Views Lower Limb SinglePerform in Lab
Ultrasound Transvaginal TVS SonogramBy Appointment
Ultrasound AbdomenBy Appointment
Ultrasound Abdomen & Pelvis (Two Region)By Appointment
Ultrasound BrainBy Appointment
Ultrasound ChestBy Appointment
Ultrasound Anomaly Scan PlainBy Appointment
Ultrasound for NeckBy Appointment
Ultrasound for PregnancyBy Appointment
Ultrasound for Twin PregnancyBy Appointment
Ultrasound KUB (Urinary Tract)By Appointment
Ultrasound KUB & ProstateBy Appointment
Ultrasound Anomaly Scan (Single Pregnancy)By Appointment
Ultrasound Anomaly Scan (Twin Pregnancy)By Appointment
Ultrasound PelvisBy Appointment
Ultrasound Scrotum / testesBy Appointment
Ultrasound ThyroidBy Appointment
Ultrasound Breast RightBy Appointment
Ultrasound Breast LeftBy Appointment
Ultrasound FWB (Obstetric) Single PregnancyBy Appointment
Ultrasound FWB (Obstetric) Twin PregnancyBy Appointment
Ultrasound Axilla SingleBy Appointment
Ultrasound Axilla BothBy Appointment
Ultrasound Soft TissueBy Appointment
Test NameRequirements
X-Ray – Chest PA ViewPerform in Lab
X-Ray – Chest Lateral ViewPerform in Lab
X-Ray – Hand AP ViewPerform in Lab
X-Ray – Both Hand  AP ViewPerform in Lab
X-Ray – Humerus AP /Lat ViewPerform in Lab
X-Ray Genearl (Four Views)Perform in Lab
X-Ray Genearl (Three Views)Perform in Lab
X-Ray Genearl (Single Views)Perform in Lab
X-Ray Genearl (Two Views)Perform in Lab
X-Ray AbdomenPerform in Lab
X-Ray AdenoidPerform in Lab
X-Ray Ankle Joint (Three Views)Perform in Lab
X-Ray Ankle Joint Ap/Lat (Two Views)Perform in Lab
X-Ray Both Ankle Joint Ap/LatPerform in Lab
X-Ray Both Knee Joint Ap/LatPerform in Lab
X-Ray Both Knee Sky LinePerform in Lab
X-Ray Both Wrist Ap/LatPerform in Lab
X-Ray Cervical Ap/Lat (Two Views)Perform in Lab
X-Ray Cervical Single ViewsPerform in Lab
X-Ray Chest Apical ViewPerform in Lab
X-Ray Coccyx Spine Ap/LatPerform in Lab
X-Ray Dorsal Spine Ap/Lat (Two Views)Perform in Lab
X-Ray Elbow Joint Ap/Lat (Two Views)Perform in Lab
X-Ray Foot Rt or Lt  Ap/Lat (Two Views)Perform in Lab
X-Ray Hip Joint Ap/Lat (Two Views)Perform in Lab
X-Ray Kidney Ureter BladderPerform in Lab
X-Ray Knee Ap/Lat (Two Views)Perform in Lab
X-Ray Knee Sky Line Single ViewsPerform in Lab
X-Ray Lumber Spine ApPerform in Lab
X-Ray Lumber Spine Ap/Lat (Two Views)Perform in Lab
X-Ray Lumber Spine LateralPerform in Lab
X-Ray Mastoid Lat (Four Views)Perform in Lab
X-Ray Mastoid Lat ViewsPerform in Lab
X-Ray Mastoid Obl ViewsPerform in Lab
X-Ray Mastoid SMV ViewsPerform in Lab
X-Ray Mastoid TOWNE ViewsPerform in Lab
X-Ray Mastoid Both Lat ViewsPerform in Lab
X-Ray Mastoid Both Obl ViewsPerform in Lab
X-Ray PelvimetryPerform in Lab
X-Ray PelvisPerform in Lab
X-Ray PNS (Single Views)Perform in Lab
X-Ray Shoulder Joint ApPerform in Lab
X-Ray Shoulder Joint Ap/Lat (Two Views)Perform in Lab
X-Ray Shoulder Joint  LateralPerform in Lab
X-Ray Skull APPerform in Lab
X-Ray Skull Ap/Lat (Two Views)Perform in Lab
X-Ray Skull  Lateral (Single Views)Perform in Lab
X-Ray Lumber Spine Ap/Lat (Two Views)Perform in Lab
X-Ray Wirst Ap/Lat (Two Views)Perform in Lab
X-Ray Wirst for Bone AgePerform in Lab
X-Ray for Elbow Ap/Lat (Two Views)Perform in Lab
X-Ray – IVU/IVPPerform in Lab
X-Ray – Antigrade Urography (AGU)Perform in Lab
X-Ray –  Barium Follow ThroughPerform in Lab
X-Ray – Barium Meal Follow ThroughPerform in Lab
X-Ray – Barium Meal UGITPerform in Lab
X-Ray – Gastrographin Follow ThroughPerform in Lab
X-Ray – SinogramPerform in Lab
X-Ray – T-Tube CholangiogramPerform in Lab
X-Ray – HSG (Hystero saltingography)Perform in Lab
Dexa Scan (Three Region)By Appointment
Dexa Scan Whole Body ScanBy Appointment
ECGPerform in Lab
EchocardiographyPerform in Lab
AudiometryPerform in Lab
Spirometery / Pulmonary Function Test (PFT)Perform in Lab
Test NameRequirements
24 Hours Urinary Creatinine Clearance24 hrs Urine + 3ml Serum
24 Hours Urinary Urates24 hrs Urine
24 Hours Urinary Copper24 hrs Urine
24 Hours Urinary Amylase24 hrs Urine
24 Hours Urinary Calcium24 hrs Urine
24 Hours Urinary Chloride24 hrs Urine
24 Hours Urinary Cortisol24 hrs Urine
24 Hours Urinary Creatinine24 hrs Urine
24 Hours Urinary Electrolytes24 hrs Urine
24 Hours Urinary Magnesium24 hrs Urine
24 Hours Urinary Micro Albumin24 hrs Urine
24 Hours Urinary Phosphorus24 hrs Urine
24 Hours Urinary Potassium24 hrs Urine
24 Hours Urinary Protein24 hrs Urine
24 Hours Urinary Sodium24 hrs Urine
24 Hours Urinary Urea24 hrs Urine
24 Hours Urinary Uric Acid24 hrs Urine
24 Hours Urinary VMA24 hrs Urine
24 Hours Urinary Albumin24 hrs Urine
24 Hours Urinary Glucose24 hrs Urine
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